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가장 위험한 게임

The Most Dangerous Game

리처드 코넬의 The Most Dangerous Game "가장 위한 게임" 번역본, 원서, 문장별 영한 대역 입니다. 이 단편에서 가장 위험한 게임을 벌이는 사람은 무엇을 위해서 태어났을까요? 그는 어떤 인생을 살아왔고 왜 가장 위험한 게임을 벌이는 것일까요? 그 가장 위험한 게임의 사냥감은 무엇일까요? 그는 그 게임에서 어떤 경로를 거칠까요? 그리고 결국 어떻게 되었을까요? 확인해 보세요.
리처드 코넬의 The Most Dangerous Game "가장 위한 게임" 번역본, 원서, 문장별 영한 대역 입니다.

이 단편에서 가장 위험한 게임을 벌이는 사람은 무엇을 위해서 태어났을까요?

그는 어떤 인생을 살아왔고 왜 가장 위험한 게임을 벌이는 것일까요?

그 가장 위험한 게임의 사냥감은 무엇일까요?

그는 그 게임에서 어떤 경로를 거칠까요? 그리고 결국 어떻게 되었을까요?

확인해 보세요.
Richard Edward Connell Jr. (October 17, 1893 – November 22, 1949) was an American author and journalist. He is best remembered for his short story "The Most Dangerous Game" (1924). Connell was one of the most popular American short story writers of his time, and his stories were published in The Saturday Evening Post and Collier's magazines. He had equal success as a journalist and screenwriter, and was nominated for an Academy Award in 1942 (Best Original Story) for the movie Meet John Doe (1941), directed by Frank Capra and based on his 1922 short story "A Reputation". His screenplay for the 1944 film Two Girls and a Sailor was also nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay.

Connell's improbable tale of a wax museum watchman who runs afoul of the law, "A Friend of Napoleon," (from The Saturday Evening Post), appears in Great American Short Stories: O. Henry Prize Winning Stories 1919-1934.[2] The story is marked as one of the Prize Stories of 1923. A short biography states, "Richard Connell started his career at the age of thirteen by reporting a murder trial for his father's paper. At fifteen he was a hardened police reporter, sports writer, copy reader, and occasionally smuggled in a few editorials. The father slew hundreds of the son's adjectives with a blue pencil and taught him to write. Since then he has gone to Harvard, served overseas, and established himself as a short-story writer of distinction."

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